
    One-time payment. Lifetime deal.

    Convert your PDFs into beautiful PDF FlipBooks in seconds -- simply upload & publish

    Sharing PDFs with clients and customers is a necessity, but they often get caught in spam when attached to emails.

    How can you be really sure they've been viewed?

    Would you like to know they've actually been seen and are doing their job?

    FlipBooklets provides a way to convert your PDFs into interactive PDF Flip Books in seconds, beat spam filters, and provide analytics.


    too long didn't read
    Convert your PDFs into interactive PDF Flip Books in seconds
    Beat spam filters and access comprehensive analytics on your messages



    View all your books in a list.

    Store all your PDFs in one place with an easy to use interface.

    Edit any book anytime to update it or create a new one.

    Add a custom domain to your books.

    It's quick and simple to create.

    Create your Flip Book in seconds, not minutes.

    Simply fill in the form, upload your PDF, and hit "Create."

    The system will generate your beautiful PDF Flip Book.

    Is the information sensitive? We've got your back!

    You can mark your PDF Flip Books as "private" to hide them from search engines and now also password protect them.

    Check out the finished Flip Book.

    Copy your URL to send onto your client—you can be sure it won't end up in spam due to an attached PDF.

    If your PDF is a general marketing brochure, you can even embed it on your website to give your clients, prospective customers, or colleagues a nicer viewing experience.

    With our Autoplay feature you can easily show off your PDFs at events and conferences.

    Loads of features are built in.

    With a load of features built in, viewers can zoom, view a complete page list, download the PDF, search live text, bookmark a page to come back later, autoplay (great for events and conferences) and more.

    FlipBooklets is suitable for all industries and business types to help you display your PDFs in an engaging and professional way!

    Pretty and useful charts are also included with FlipBooklets.

    When the PDF is opened, you'll see it in your analytics so you can track its effectiveness.

    Gain insight from the number of views, when they are being viewed, on what devices, and much more.

    With more features than ever before, you can create beautiful PDF Flip Books at lightning speed and measure their effectiveness.

    Are you ready to get started?

    Get lifetime access to FlipBooklets today!

    From the founders




    Exciting news for all our users utilising custom domains! 🎉

    Hi all,

    We've listened to your feedback and are delighted to announce the removal of "pdfflipbooklets" from your custom domain URLs. This update significantly streamlines your URLs, directly linking your brand to your content without any unnecessary clutter.

    It's a change many of you have eagerly awaited, and we're thrilled to deliver a more polished and professional presence for your Flip Books.

    Many thanks


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