
    Lifetime deal

    Quickly create and share courses, wikis & quizzes with AI

    We know how tough it can get to create engaging, effective training programs for your learners!

    Meet PaddleBoat, a cutting-edge AI-powered education tool dedicated to transforming the way individuals learn, share knowledge and measure learning outcomes.

    Our super intuitive platform makes it simple for managers, trainers, and educators to whip up personalized learning tracks for your employees, partners, or students, and keep a close eye on everyone's journey with nifty analytics.

    But wait, there’s more!

    We’ve beefed up PaddleBoat with some cool new toys: an AI-based Course Generator that practically does the heavy lifting for you, a handy URL/File to Quiz Converter to turn any content into a quiz, interactive videos for pop-up questions and knowledge checks, and our Explore Feed – a central hub for collective knowledge sharing. It's all about boosting productivity, sparking innovation, and keeping that learning flame alive.


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    Quickly create and share courses, wikis & quizzes, all in one place
    One-stop scalable solution for onboarding, training, and team collaboration



    Check out QuicKraft AI - our course generator in action!

    Don’t have an in-house expert for creating training programs?

    Short on time to create content from scratch?

    No problem!

    With QuicKraft AI, you can transform ideas into course content in a few minutes, complete with videos, MCQs and assessments.

    Our dashboard was inspired by Canva and built specifically for creators.

    Leverage a wide range of pre-designed content formats, spanning courses, onboarding plans, quizzes, tutorials, and more.

    Streamline content creation and elevate your learning initiatives effortlessly.

    Explore Feed: Your in-house social community for tapping into collective wisdom & sharing expertise.

    Crowdsource ideas and enhance learning through bite-sized knowledge sharing.

    Create team or interest-based channels to share information with specific individuals and groups.

    Access quizzes that fit your business nuance.

    Instantly set up quizzes from files and URLs with our AI-powered quiz generator.

    Ready to make learning a breeze and fun for your team?

    Get access to PaddleBoat today!

    Enjoy comprehensive reports and learner journeys right at your fingertips.

    Capture detailed insights into learner progress.

    Compare team performances.

    Monitor engagement levels.

    Equip your leadership with real-time data to measure and optimize training ROI.

    From the founders

    We heard you loud and clear!

    Hey Sumo-lings!

    We’ve been fortunate to engage directly with many of you through AppSumo’s vibrant community. Our initial offering was designed with the best intentions, aiming to provide a sustainable, robust learning platform that was accessible to businesses of all sizes. As we dove deep into the comments and dissected the discussions across various platforms, it became evident that we needed to make substantial changes to truly meet your needs. We quickly realized that our approach to learner limits was too restrictive, and not quite in line with the expectations of Sumolings here.

    So, I'm thrilled to announce some exciting enhancements we've made to our LTD that we believe you're going to love:

    1. Increased Learner Seats: We're dramatically increasing the number of learner seats available, kicking off with 100 seats from the first code and scaling up to a grand 1000 by the tenth code. This adjustment allows for much more extensive and inclusive learning environments, something many of you voiced a strong need for.
    2. Admin/Creator Seats: Alongside the increase in learner seats, each code will now also come with an incremental increase in admin/creator seats. We're starting with 1 Admin/Creator Seat for the first code and increasing by one with each additional code purchased.
    3. Streamlining Features: In our commitment to align better with your preferences and to manage resources wisely, we're phasing out the SCORM feature for the LTD. It didn't quite hit the mark within the community here, and would contribute significantly to our operational costs with the new plan. This change makes room for us to offer more of what you actually want - more seats and better functionality at no extra cost!

    We heard you loud and clear, and this change was made only because we're committed to providing the best value and service possible. Our adjustment was a creative solution directly inspired by community feedback, and we believe it's going to make your PaddleBoat experience even better. For those of you who have already purchased, you've already been transitioned to the new plan with the higher limits. And the best part? This upgrade comes at no extra cost to you.

    Thank you for being a part of our journey and for your continued support. Here's to many more successful learning adventures together!

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