
    One-time payment. Lifetime deal.

    Find high-paying, easy-to-close leads for your local business or agency

    Find new pre-qualified leads and contact & close more deals in less time.

    Introducing SmatLeads.


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    Find new leads and close more sales in less time
    Efficiently discover, nurture, and close more deals better and faster with just a few clicks of a button



    Save time and make money by finding new leads with SmatLeads.

    The success or failure of your agency and online business depends on your ability to consistently get targeted leads.

    However, getting targeted leads that are ready to pay for your service almost immediately is hard – I know this from experience.

    But starting today, you won’t have to struggle or pay high fees again for your lead generation game.

    Expand revenue streams and discover new leads with our Google Business Profile Search feature.

    SmatLeads is an all-in-one cutting-edge technology that helps you find pre-qualified leads.

    Even better, it helps you contact and close them better and faster in just 3 easy steps.

    How does it work exactly?

    Read on!

    Customize your reports so they fit your brand like a glove.

    Simply enter a keyword and location to get started.

    SmatLeads will then find leads from 3 data sources (Google Places, Bing Places, and LinkedIn Database) that match your criteria.

    Then, it will visit each business to get more information -- such as contact info and technology data.

    In a few seconds, you’ll be armed with an army of pre-qualified leads and other tools to help you spot the services they need.

    Amplify your brand's impact with only the most compelling messaging.

    With SmatLeads, you are getting real-time small business leads from Google Maps, Bing Places, and LinkedIn.

    Our sales prospecting software will help you grow revenue.

    Join the largest community and work with the cleanest data day in, day out.

    Share your network’s contact info, plus get accurate data, free credits, and access to early features.

    It's never been easier to contact and close deals.

    Discover, nurture and close more deals better and faster today with SmatLeads.

    Get access now!

    From the founders

    New Update

    We're thrilled to announce the release of amazing new features that are geared towards helping you do more and get better and streamlined results with SmatLeads.


    Business optimization report (GBP report): We listened to your feedback and we have rebuilt and made the report more streamlined for user

    SEO report: We took time to also rebuild and implement your feedback in this report to make it even better and streamlined for you and other users

    Core web audit report: We carefully listened to your feedback and implemented it in this report to make it better.

    Load more button: We implemented this feature to enable users get as many leads as they want before exporting to CSV or saving the data in the system.

    New features:

    Add multiple sender emails: As requested by users, you can now add multiple sender emails for your cold calling and choose the sender you want to use for your campaign

    Track email opens, clicks, and unsubscribes: We understand the importance of statistics in marketing and we are glad to announce to you that you can now track your email opens, clicks, unsubscribes etc to help you make informed decisions about your campaign.

    Add an unsubscribe link to your cold emails: You can now have an unsubscribe link in your email so that subscribers can opt out of your campaign instead of reporting your email as spam.

    Send email sequences with different sender emails: Plan and send email sequences with different sender emails to boost deliverability.

    Import subscribers/leads: Import leads into SmatLeads and use our robust cold calling system to email them and the emails hit the primary inbox.

    Attach files, links and images in your emails: Our rich email editor allows you to attach files, links and images to your email for better interactivity.

    Export emails from the manage lead tab: You can now export leads from the “manage lead” tab as most of our users requested

    And we are not done yet, you can check our roadmap to see the next feature we are working on and you can also send in your feedback or feature request.

    Let’s keep building together and see you at the top!

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